Paper Letter Tutorial

I just created the prettiest photo gallery for my wall...again. And I swear I tried to rein it in. The entire time I was planning it, I kept trying to remind myself to keep it simple; to try and just hang the framed photographs and not an immense amount of wall art. But I couldn't do it. I am right now staring at the finished product (will share the pic in natural light!) and thinking about this beautiful 'wander' arrow I found while treasure hunting at Ross and seeing the perfect spot for it.
But for now I managed to add only ONE art element and it is a letter 'T'. I probably have about 30 random 'T's' hanging about the house, just in case anyone in our family needs to be reminded, while in every room, what our last name begins with. Anyway, here is the easiest tutorial ever on how to make yourself one of these.
But before I share, I just have to add that while I used this vintage-y aqua & white flower paper to complement an old photograph of my gorgeous Grandma, there are SO many options of pretty paper out there. And you don't need to stick to one letter, no:) . You can throw in a "PLAN" above your family command center, a "HOME" above your doorway, or a "PLAY" in the room with the toys, you know, in case anyone in the family needs to be reminded what they are supposed to do while standing in various rooms in your house. Anyway, here ya go...

Supplies You Will Need:
- pretty paper
- cardboard letter
- mod podge
- paint brush
- paint for letter edges
To do:

1.) Trace your letter onto the back of your decorative paper and cut out with a paper cutter or scissors.

2.) Paint the edges of your cardboard letter.

3.) Use the mod podge to adhere your paper letter to the cardboard and then smooth with a pencil.

4.) Add two coats of mod podge (allow to dry to the touch between coats) and let set, then use command strips to hang it on your wall to complete your home photo galley!

So simple, right? And check out these gorgeous paper options . . .

(papers available at Jo Ann Fabrics)

Lovely, right? I already have another project with these planned for the kitchen and guess what? It's NOT a letter 'T'!