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Week Four and we Hit the Floor....Running!!

First off, I am so happy to be at this stage of our ORC Challenge. The beginning is usually full of nervous excitement and I start off strong and happy - just scrolling around & plotting while I pick out the end game of the room. But once that super fun moment is through, we actually have to buckle in and get to work and those first few weeks just don't have a lot to show for it that involve all of the things I love (like the styling!!)

But week four...oh week FOUR! This marks the SECOND HALF of the challenge and you finally start to see all of the ideas come to life! This week, we knocked out so many things I have been working hard at planning and it just felt so good to set aside some real time to actually delve into the big things! We also received the beautiful futon (above pic) from MR. KATE (one of our favorites) and that was a pretty nice jaw-dropping moment when it came out of the box and matched the mint from our walls PERFECTLY. I also got to work painting the cabinet doors (Alabaster from Sherwin Williams) as well as the MCM shelving unit that came with the house.

We got to work building our DIY floor to ceiling headboard and made some major progress there. We are going to finish nailing it up tomorrow, add the trim to the sides, and then we can get to work achieving the perfect shade of stain.

Finally, we painted up the chalkboard TV backdrop and will get that framed this week.

I feel like I am completely brimming with ideas, tutorials, and additional room progress but for now I am going to call it a night so we can get started early - as soon as we get the kids off to school!

We are moving fast and furiously now and I am so happy to see all of our big ideas coming to life! Check out the progress of all the other designers RIGHT HERE and then head on back next week to see this showstopper of a bed come to life with what I hope will be the perfect blend of conditioners, whitewash, & wood stains!


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